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Astrological Combinations In Horoscope for Marrying A Rich Spouse

In the age of social media and Instagram, people are becoming more and more influenced by the lifestyles they see on social media. This gives a rise to aspirations to attain wealth and live a very comfortable if not a luxurious life. Not everyone is blessed with a good amount of wealth, born in an affluent family or have a high income. It is good to work hard towards your goals and achieve success over time but even though most people want to become wealthy, they just don't get it. We all have seen a prince marrying an ordinary woman in fairy tales.  In Korean drama, it is very common to see an extremely rich man marrying an ordinary woman or vice versa. Marrying a rich man/woman can be a shortcut for someone to escape poverty and attain the desired level of wealth and financial freedom. During my consultations, several people come up to me with these questions and through this article I want to guide you to find the best approach for your life based on your planetary placemen

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Results of Sun Transit in Taurus for Every Ascendant

Sun represents the soul of every being and it is the source of heat, light & energy to our planet. Sun represents our ability to rise and shine in this world. Every year, Sun goes through all the twelve zodiac signs and moves through all the twelve houses.

The days when the Sun will transit over your natal planets or when the Sun moves from one house cusp to the another are very important. The possibility of an event occurring is higher on those days. The nature of event will depend upon the combination of houses the Sun is signifying during the transit and not upon the zodiac sign through which the Sun is transiting. The results obtained from the combination of houses a planet signifies are the most precise & reliable while results based on zodiac signs are only theoretical and unreliable.

There are twelve zodiac signs and nine planets. To achieve higher accuracy in results through astrology we need to see if the current time periods are supporting the events which Sun can trigger through its movement in skies.

Effect of Sun Transit in Taurus on Every Ascendant

Aries    : Sun is transiting in your second house. Sun rules your fifth house, transits the second house and aspects the eighth house. Sun will bring the possibility of falling in love and getting into a romantic relationship and your relationship with the family will also improve. You may get less work oriented and more love & family oriented. This may decelerate growth in career but you will feel happy with yourself and your life. This transit can also bring gains through speculation. Your health will be fine and you may got out and exercise to feel good about the way you look.

Taurus  : Sun is transiting in your Ascendant. Sun rules your fourth house, transits the first house and aspects the seventh house. This transit will give very mixed results to you. Relationship with your partner may improve during this time. You would be able to maintain balance in your work and personal life. There will be hardly any change in your work environment or growth in your career but things will be smooth. Relationship with children may suffer and you need to take extra care of your child. You can also buy a property or vehicle for commercial purpose.

Gemini : Sun is transiting in your twelfth house. Sun rules your third house, transits the twelfth house and aspects the sixth house. This transit can bring very troublesome results to you. There is strong possibility of getting injured in some road accident and you should be careful during this time. You may face troubles at your work place and problems at work place may obstruct your growth. Investing in property may bring losses and difficulties during this period. Relationships with loved ones may not be smooth and miscommunication may lead to arguments and depression

Cancer : Sun is transiting in your eleventh house. Sun rules your second house, transits the eleventh house and aspects the fifth house. Sun can bring great opportunities for you to make money through speculative business and your bank balance will improve. Relationship with the family is going to be very good and you will feel happy with your surrounding at home. If you are married or in a relationship then you will get love and support from your partner which will help you prosper. Relationship with children will also get better and you will get more respect from them. Your health will be good during this time.

Leo     : Sun is transiting in your tenth house. Sun is the lord of your Ascendant, transits the tenth house and aspects the fourth house. This transit will bring good results regarding your career and you will leave a strong impression about yourself at the work place. Your hard work and perseverance in work will bring you respect and people around you will recognize you. Personal and work life may get imbalanced and you may not be able to give time to your family and loved ones. Communicate with your family whenever you get time in order to let them know you are not ignoring them and make them feel better.

Virgo  : Sun is transiting in your ninth house. Sun rules your twelfth house, transits the ninth house and aspects the third house. You may go out, gain new experiences and travel to distant places. Travelling will expand your mind and understanding about people and the world. You will communicate with people at distant places and this will make you more mature. This transit also brings the possibility of change in job and you will be more interested in socializing rather than work. Relationship with other people will remain cordial and over spending may hurt your bank balance.

Libra  : Sun is transiting in in your eighth house. Sun rules your eleventh house, transits the eighth house and aspects the second house. Sun will bring the possibility of sudden gains of money and you may also inherit some ancestral property. Business partnerships will be successful and you will earn a lot with the help of your business partner. Your spouse will be supportive and will help you in gaining success and prosperity. Relationship with the loved ones will also become better but you should try to stay healthy as this transit may make you bit sick. Take meals at regular intervals and it will keep your mind balanced.

Scorpio : Sun is transiting in your seventh house. Sun rules your tenth house, transits the seventh house and aspects the first house. You may find difficulties with your marriage during this time and relationships are not going to be smooth. This transit can also trigger the possibility of happening marriage. Business agreements are going to be successful and will effect your bank balance positively. Your status will get better but health might get affected due to this. Try to take break from work, give time to your family and to yourself. Exercise and eat healthy to stay healthy.

Sagittarius: Sun is transiting in your sixth house. Sun rules your ninth house, transits the sixth house and aspects the twelfth house. You may change or loose your job during this time. Quarrels with bosses and people at work might become the reason and you should avoid any type of argument with anyone at the work place. Relationship with loved ones may get disturbed and you need to go in solitude and meditate in order to figure out things happening around you. You can suffer loss in your business partnership and you should be careful before making any investment or decision.

Capricorn: Sun is transiting in your fifth house. Sun rules your eighth house, transits the fifth house and aspects the eleventh house. This transit can make you go into a romantic relationship with someone and that relationship will become the source of your good health and happiness. Your health is going to be very good and you may make a lot of money through speculative business. Environment at the work place will get better and you will like being at the work place. Your relationship with colleagues and bosses will also get better and this will help you prosper in your career. This transit also bring the possibility of gaining inheritance and unearned money.

Aquarius: Sun is transiting in your fourth house. Sun rules your seventh house, transits the fourth house and aspects the tenth house. You may gain money through some property or vehicle, or, you may purchase a property. Your business agreements will become successful and you will gain through your business. Married life may see some ups and downs and relationship with children may get difficult. Your health may get bit disturbed during this time and proper care might be required. If you are living away from your home town then you may travel to your home town.

Pisces   : Sun is transiting in your third house. Sun rules your sixth house, transits the third house and aspects the ninth house. Travelling to distant places due to work is possible. You will feel like communicating with people around you but conversation may turn into quarrels which should be avoided. Miscommunication with people might make things difficult for you and hinder your growth in career due to which you may have to change your job. You will feel more interested in learning new things and this will help you perform well in your career. Your own efforts will bring growth in your career.

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Understanding Nirayana Bhava Chalit Chart & Its Importance in Prediction Making

On observing this sky from the Earth, we see billions of stars. A group of stars when forms a recognizable pattern, we call it a constellation. There could be uncountable number of constellations in the skies depending upon from where we see it. We see them from the Earth and the astronomers have discovered 88 constellations till now. In astrology, we only use 27 constellations and they form the entire zodiac belt. There are 12 zodiac sign in this zodiac belt and each zodiac sign has a width of 30 degrees. Each zodiac sign is owned by a certain planet and a planet can be present either in its own zodiac sign or in some other zodiac sign. The zodiac sign which a planet occupies depends upon the point of reference, the Earth. Earth is moving around the Sun along with other planets, therefore, the speeds of movement of other planets appear to be changing all the time. This happens due to the relative motion of Earth and the other planet. If we change our point of reference from Ea

Astrology Basics: Concept of Houses, Sub Lord & Cuspal Sub Lord

The ABC, Astrology Basic Concepts, continues. In previous article, you learned what planets, zodiac signs & constellations are . Now, it is time when you come down from skies and understand some of the basic concepts used in astrology to analyze an astrological chart. Zodiac signs are important and they do have their own set of characteristics as mentioned in the previous article but what actually plays a major role in deciding the fate of a person is the houses a planet signifies. Similarly, the constellation in which a planet is present is capable of changing the nature of events. The planet may not give its own result but starts giving results of the constellation if the constellation lord strongly opposes what the planet is signifying but the Sub Lord holds the final say.

Rashi Chart or Bhava Chalit Chart for Prediction

In Predictive Hindu Astrology , there is a major role of Bhava Chalit chart. While Rashi chart remains same for almost 2 days, Bhava Chalit chart is changing every minute . It calculates in which cusp a planet and a zodiac sign is actually present. The placement of planets in Rashi Chart & in the Ascendant Chart (Main Birth Chart) is same, it is just that the Ascendant chart is rotated till the Moon comes in the first house and we call it Rashi Chart. I personally recommend that you avoid seeing Rashi Chart as the Ascendant Chart gives the most accurate results. Moon is very important and we do take Moon's placement into account by following the time period system that is just based upon Moon & stars. Now, we have to take the placement of other planets into account. The Ascendant chart indicates which planet was transiting in your 10th house (right above your head) or 7th house (western horizon) or any other house at the time when you were born. The zodiac sign in the

Marriage: Time of Marriage, Married Life and Nature of Future Life Partner

Marriage happens when two people of opposite gender agree to live with each other with the consent of society. Telling this statement is necessary in order for you to understand how to see if marriage is promised by a planet and then to figure out the time of marriage. Marriage is not when two people agree to get into a live-in relationship or mate when they are deeply in love with each other. Mostly when astrologers who fail to predict your marriage timings may tell you this statement that, “You might have been in a live-in relationship with someone or marriage also counts when you have had sex”. This is not true.

Combinations In The Horoscope That Make A Person Rich (Millionaire OR Billionaire)

This methodology of knowing if a person is meant to become rich is not a theory, it is actually practiced and applied on horoscopes to predict about a person's life and to figure out if a person is meant to become really successful and will become rich in his life. In a horoscope, there are 12 houses and 9 planets (excluding Uranus, Neptune and Pluto). Most astrologers see 1st, 2nd, 5th, 6th, 9th, 10th and 11th house, and their lords to see if a person has the capability to become rich and successful. Some also take the benefic aspects from Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and Moon into account.The actual answer does not come through this way. To accurately know if a person is meant to become rich and successful you need to see these three things: The Person's Intelligence Benevolence of The Planets Support from The Time When these three things combine then a person actually becomes successful. I am sure that you find this very logical.

Child Birth: Timing, Suitable Time To Conceive, Twins Birth and Custody of Child via Predictive Astrology

Childbirth is the most important event in anyone's life. It is the flow of life from one generation to the next. Predicting childbirth requires the birth horoscope of both mother and the father and not just of any one of them. So, if you are trying to predict the time of childbirth just by looking at your own horoscope, then it will not work. But you can see when is the best time for you to have children through childbirth astrology. We can predict the time when the child will be conceived & not the time when the child will actually take birth. I have tried those methods of finding out the time of birth and they did not work. Sometimes, there is a difference of months between the calculated time and when the childbirth actually happened. So, instead of finding out the time of birth it would be better that you pay extra attention to the lady expecting a baby. Once conceived, we can find out the things like: Childbirth via normal delivery or cesarean Birth to

7 Questions About Your Career Answered

Career astrology is about predicting what would be the status of a person in the world. It indicates how much a person can rise in his life irrespective of how much that person is educated. We always see examples where a person who is not much qualified makes millions. Those are the people having a horoscope which does not support education but making money. Due to which these people become smart enough to make huge sums of money without having a very strong educational background. Career astrology is different from predicting & timing events of life. Either an event will happen in life or not but that’s not the case with the career. If planets support the person will attain heights, if they don’t then the person will live an average life and if they are against then a person leads a miserable life. While doing career astrology it’s important to know what is the role of each & every house and relative importance of every house regarding career.

Predict Change or Loss of Job via Career Astrology

People usually change job because they are not comfortable with their current situation. The problem can be regarding working conditions, behavior of the colleagues or necessity of a higher income. Desire for a promotion, stability and more respect is the main cause that pushes people to find a new job. But in this competitive world, it is not always possible to get that desired job. It requires a lot of hard work, experience, and some good luck to get what you want. Career Astrology can help in determining when change of job is possible. In spite of the fact that hard work is the key, we do require planetary support to make it happen. In order to make the Change of Job happen, these three things are required: Desire for growth in Career Current Job is Temporary / Paying Low Planets supporting Change of Job. Now, first two things depend on you. If you do not want it, planets cannot do anything. If you want it, then you require planetary support for it to ha

Travel Abroad - Timing and Reason Behind Going To Abroad via Predictive Astrology

People travel abroad to explore new places, get new experiences & know about people who belong to different cultural backgrounds. This widens their understanding about the people, how they think & see life and how they live their life. To some people travelling gives them peace of mind and to some it is a source of new thoughts & ideas which can be used later to do some creativity. People also travel abroad due to business reasons, getting a job or get education from a reputed college or university. While it’s not much difficult to know the reason behind the travel but we should know whether the travel will happen or not. Suppose you want to go to study abroad but the stars are not in your support to travel abroad while they support that you will get education from a reputed college, then you will study in your own country. Simple, Right? Well in this article we are going to discuss how to see travelling abroad in birth chart, also I will help you in know what cou

Astrological Combinations for Success in Civil Services Exam (IAS, IPS, IRS, IFS, etc.)

A civil servant is a person employed in the public sector for a government department or agency. Every year, hundreds of thousands of aspirants prepare for the civil services exam and compete for a few thousands of vacancies. Many of them are into administrative work and they are very much responsible for the welfare of the people & the county. They exhibit qualities like honesty, accountability, responsibility, impartiality & dedication. This is the fact due to which the civil servants are among the most respected people in the society.