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Astrological Combinations In Horoscope for Marrying A Rich Spouse

In the age of social media and Instagram, people are becoming more and more influenced by the lifestyles they see on social media. This gives a rise to aspirations to attain wealth and live a very comfortable if not a luxurious life. Not everyone is blessed with a good amount of wealth, born in an affluent family or have a high income. It is good to work hard towards your goals and achieve success over time but even though most people want to become wealthy, they just don't get it. We all have seen a prince marrying an ordinary woman in fairy tales.  In Korean drama, it is very common to see an extremely rich man marrying an ordinary woman or vice versa. Marrying a rich man/woman can be a shortcut for someone to escape poverty and attain the desired level of wealth and financial freedom. During my consultations, several people come up to me with these questions and through this article I want to guide you to find the best approach for your life based on your planetary placemen

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Mangal Dosha in Your Horoscope Will Not Kill Your Spouse

A Manglik should only marry with another Manglik in order to cancel out the negative effects of this placement and to enjoy a happy married life.

Mangal Dosha is an astrological combination that happens when a person has Mars (Mangal) in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th or the 12th house of the Birth Chart. Person born with such planetary alignment is called a Manglik. It is believed that it is a bad placement and if a Manglik marries with a Non-Manglik then the fiery nature of Mars (Mangal) will bring trouble, tension, problems in the marriage and may eventually lead to the death of the later one.

A Manglik should only marry with another Manglik in order to cancel out the negative effects of this placement and to enjoy a happy married life.

This term is so popular among people that the discussion of marriage starts (and most of the time ends) after knowing whether a boy/girl is Manglik or not. Not everybody living on this planet take Mangal Dosha into consideration before falling in love or getting married.

Marriages face problems or break even if two Manglik or Non-Manglik marry each other and I am pretty sure that astrologers who follow Manglik Dosha must have seen charts where a Manglik married a Non-Manglik & nobody died.

In Nadi Astrology, we do take Mars (Mangal) into consideration in order to check for Marriage & Love Compatibility but it is not the whole foundation of match making.

If Mars is Present in 1st, 3rd or 7th house in the Ascendant Chart (Lagna Chart) and signifying the combination 7 8 12, then the nature of person is quite aggressive. If Pluto conjoins Mars in these houses then the native has a violent nature and can do domestic violence as well. This is applicable to both males & females.

Mangal Dosha will not kill your spouse but certain planetary placement of Mars in your chart will make family life difficult. Planetary Placements in Nadi Astrology. Cisun.

Mars is the natural significator of aggressive nature, battle and arguments. Pluto is the planet of extremes and its nature is quite similar to that of Mars. Therefore, Pluto with Mars in these houses will further aggravate the fiery nature of Mars and will make the home & married life troubled.

Even if you do not know astrology but you see that a person has this planetary placement then it is highly possible that the person is very aggressive. If you are about to marry a person having this placement then you should get the horoscope analyzed to find out how much this placement will damage the relationship.

Situations may get more difficult when the Ascendant &/OR the majority of planets are signifying the combinations of aggression (7 8 12) or depression (1 2 6 8) or bad houses (6 8 12). If the of majority planets are signifying cordial nature (2 5 9 11) and the native is going through time period of such planets then this placement would not be able to show its negative effects upon the married life.


These are the Ascendant charts of couples with troubled married life.

A) Non-Manglik Husband & Wife

First Chart is of the Husband & the second Horoscope is of the wife. Both the charts shows no Manglik Dosha. This simply means that the married life should be good. The married life of this couple appears to be okay from outside. But in reality, the Husband lost his business a few years after marriage & was not able to get stable in job. Due to which they face financial troubles. Wife's horoscope shows combination of aggression (7 8 12) while the husband's chart shows depression (1 2 6 8). Due to which the husband finds it difficult to go out and stay regular with his job. As a consequence, the wife turned quite aggressive towards him and used to beat him as well.

In Nadi Astrology, the results obtained are accurate, reliable and not really based upon just theories. Some astrologers may say that they are not Manglik but Mars placed in house of debilitated Venus made things difficult & they will just ignore a very strong Gaja Kesari Yoga (Jupiter & Moon Conjunction in First Houses) in wife's chart that time. Such type of answers you may get.

B) Non-Manglik Husband and Manglik Wife

 The theory of Mangal Dosha says, "If a Manglik marries a Non-Manglik then due to the fiery nature of Mars (Mangal) the Manglik person will become troublesome for the relationship & family and may even bring death upon the spouse". In this case, the wife is Manglik which means the wife should bring troubles upon the family and death upon the husband. But in reality, the husband has a very aggressive nature & do domestic violence due to which the family life is troubled.

The combination of Mars & Pluto applies in the case of husband here. The husband has Mars & Pluto in the third house which confirms that Nadi Astrology gives correct results every time. Apart from that, the majority of planets in husband's chart shows the combination of depression which again worsens the situation. Husband did not die in spite of the fact that the wife is having strong Mangal Dosha in the seventh house.

Note: One thing that I notice most of the time is that marriage is pretty much destined. If you are marrying with a person who is a troublemaker then there are bright chances that at least two or three planets in your chart are ill placed due to which you got into a relationship or married with such type of person.

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