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Astrological Combinations In Horoscope for Marrying A Rich Spouse

In the age of social media and Instagram, people are becoming more and more influenced by the lifestyles they see on social media. This gives a rise to aspirations to attain wealth and live a very comfortable if not a luxurious life. Not everyone is blessed with a good amount of wealth, born in an affluent family or have a high income. It is good to work hard towards your goals and achieve success over time but even though most people want to become wealthy, they just don't get it. We all have seen a prince marrying an ordinary woman in fairy tales.  In Korean drama, it is very common to see an extremely rich man marrying an ordinary woman or vice versa. Marrying a rich man/woman can be a shortcut for someone to escape poverty and attain the desired level of wealth and financial freedom. During my consultations, several people come up to me with these questions and through this article I want to guide you to find the best approach for your life based on your planetary placemen...

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Conscious Beings Can Predict Change and Make Their Own Future

Most people live in an illusion that they are conscious of their surrounding and about what is happening around them and with them. If somebody asks you whether you are conscious then the correct answer could not be in yes or no. You could be conscious of the physical objects around you but you may not be aware of your own emotions or health.

A newborn baby cannot differentiate between the physical objects but slowly the mind starts perceiving through the senses and understands the physical world - the main job of the brain is to help us survive and to survive it is necessary to have an understanding of the physical world.

Even if you are not aware of your own emotions, thoughts and health conditions, you are able to differentiate between tangible objects.

Consciousness has different levels but there is no limit to expanding your consciousness at these different levels. The more you focus on and use a certain part of your brain, the more it develops. A stock market expert may predict growth by looking at the graphs and a psychiatrist may understand emotions and problems by looking at the patient.

When your level of consciousness increases, you start understanding yourself and people around you. You understand other people's perspective and start figuring out why people behave in certain ways. In this way, you are able to predict how a person will behave in a certain situation.

Perspective is the point from where the consciousness sees things. If we change our point of view then the conclusions may change and this will in turn affect our actions and future. Therefore, we need to see things from a number of perspectives to understand things and take a wise decision.

The events that are destined to happen in your life cannot be changed by just one single action. You need to have a high level of consciousness and observation to first understand how your actions are affecting your life.

You need to go deeper within yourself to understand why you and the things around you are the way they are and how much potential you have to change it with your actions.

Not everybody is capable of changing the possible future whether it is good or bad. But sometimes, those who do well in their life assume that they made/changed their own future.

You need to have a good intellect to understand this thing in detail.

Brain is Magical

Our brain continuously talks to us and it keeps telling us something. From a scientific perspective, those are just thoughts based on what we experience and feel, and from a spiritual perspective, it is our soul speaking to us and guiding us.

Both the perspectives are correct.

Whenever we are in a problem, the brain magically comes up with a number of ideas and one of those ideas solves the problem. Those ideas are based on our own knowledge, experience and learning.

Your brainpower, capabilities and talents are decided at the time when you are born.

When you got conceived, you got affected by the thoughts and the kind of nutrition your mother was having, and according to that your body and brain developed. After that, you experienced certain things in your childhood while growing up and that affected how you think and behave.

Some people never change and that is because their conscious level is not high enough that could help them understand things and change them for the better. So, changing the predestined future is out of the question.

I prefer calling such people as Sleep Walkers.

They will walk on the predestined path no matter what. Their rise and fall depend entirely on what the universe(Great Lord) has already decided for them.

They can only assume that they are the doers.

"I am the reason for everything and everything happens according to my will". - Lord Krishna


People need motivation in order to work hard and become successful. Even if someone is meant to become successful, we should not cool down their fire by telling them that it is already predestined and they are not doing anything.

Psychologically, it is not easy for everyone to accept the truth that they are not the doers and work with the same motivation and intensity.

So, if someone needs motivation, tell them that they are strong enough to do that and God will help them instead of saying, God does everything and we do nothing.

Different Levels of Consciousness

Our mind has three different levels of consciousness as per Sigmund Freud's theory:
  1. Conscious Mind - Communicates with the outer world and the inner self.
  2. Subconscious Mind - Uses the past experiences and memories to guide the conscious mind, and controls our emotions, thoughts and behavior.
  3. Unconscious Mind - Contains all the past memories, experiences and thoughts and those are difficult to retrieve.
The most powerful of these three is the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is the bridge between all your past memories stored in the unconscious mind and uses them to guide the conscious mind.

Sometimes, you do not know what to do to solve a problem but the subconscious mind tries to give a number of hints and when the conscious mind gives it a try, the problem gets solved.

Increase Your Brain Power

The subconscious mind works in coordination with the conscious mind all the time.

To expand your mind, you need to first focus on your conscious mind to expand the reach of your senses. When you become habitual of observing things around you and drawing conclusions through them, you no longer need to focus consciously on everything - you will subconsciously start observing.

It is similar to that when you learn to type, you pay a lot of attention but when you become habitual, you write sentences without even looking at a single key.

A number of people say that you should detach yourself from your outer senses and should go into the state of complete silence.

I believe that you should focus on your senses and try to observe and perceive through them as much as possible. Then you should control your senses and go into the deep silence to draw useful conclusions out of the perceived information.

The more you will learn, the more intelligent you will become and higher will be the level of your consciousness.

Open Up The Blocks

Let's say, you have got plenty of money for yourself and for your family, and still, you feel that you want more because you do not have millions or billions.

This feeling is like a wall between you, and your peace and happiness. This feeling is stuck deep inside you.

Now, you need to stay calm, close your eyes and focus at the center of your forehead.

You need to go deep and think when was the first time you had that thought when you have no money.

You(conscious mind) need to tell yourself(subconscious mind) that, "I have all the money I want, I do not feel any lack and I am happy now".

You can do this thing to get rid of all the bad thoughts you feel subconsciously and to become a healthier and happier person.

When you will practice this thing regularly, you will feel an improvement in the health of your emotions, body and mind.

This technique actually makes me feel good and I want you to feel that too.

Who can Change The Future?

The soul before taking birth into this physical world does millions and billions of calculations. The soul wants to experience certain things and wants to fulfill certain desires.

Based on that the soul decides the mother and the father, and also which sperm should fertilize the egg and when the birth should happen.

The soul also decides your level of consciousness and whether you would be allowed to change your own predestined future or not.

From a scientific perspective, the process was very random, you got certain genes from your parents and took birth.

Both of them are correct and it depends on you which one you wish to believe.

At the enlightened state, there is nothing right or wrong, and good or bad. A highly spiritual and enlightened person will never differentiate between a thief and a king.

Same is the case with the soul.

The soul does not believe that being born in a poor family is bad, the soul just wants to experience something. The suffering happens at the physical level.

"There are three types of nature: Satvik, Rajasik and Tamasic, but the lord is above all three of them". - Bhagvad Gita

Good or bad cease to exist when you are enlightened and all you see is action and reaction, or cause and effect of actions.

Planetary Placement

Ascendant is your head and it also represents your health. The Ascendant lord and the planets in the Ascendant(if any) should signify these houses: fifth, ninth, tenth and eleventh.

Even if other planets in your chart are not very well placed, your Ascendant(brain or soul) will help you do well and make things better.

Saturn represents deep thinking and understanding of what is beneath the surface, therefore, a Saturn signifying the same houses will give you a higher level of consciousness.

The Ascendant should not signify any combination of 6, 8 or 12.

The level of consciousness and understanding will grow in the time periods of planets signifying only good houses(5, 9, 10 and 11) and not signifying bad houses(6, 8 and 12).

To understand how planets signify houses, refer to Rules of Bhrigu Nadi Astrology.

Planets in your Ascendant chart can be anywhere, but you need to carefully analyze the Nirayana Bhava Chalit Chart.


You need to have the eyes of wisdom and a mind that is curious to understand the nature.

It requires a lot of practice and careful observation to understand how the universe works, and how our actions lead us to a possible future.

It is difficult to change what our eternal soul has already destined for us but through our sensible actions, we can make a difference.

Suggested articles:
  1. Exact Characteristics of a Person Based on Planetary Placements
  2. Why One Should Work Hard Even If The Horoscope Does Not Indicate Success?
  3. Career Astrology: Status, Field and Place of Work
  4. Gain, Loss or Fraud in Business Partnership
  5. Astrological Combinations for Sucess in Civil Services Exam
  6. When is the Right Time to Start a Business?
  7. Accuracy of Predictions with Horary Astrology

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Astrological Combinations In Horoscope for Marrying A Rich Spouse

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