In the age of social media and Instagram, people are becoming more and more influenced by the lifestyles they see on social media. This gives a rise to aspirations to attain wealth and live a very comfortable if not a luxurious life. Not everyone is blessed with a good amount of wealth, born in an affluent family or have a high income. It is good to work hard towards your goals and achieve success over time but even though most people want to become wealthy, they just don't get it. We all have seen a prince marrying an ordinary woman in fairy tales. In Korean drama, it is very common to see an extremely rich man marrying an ordinary woman or vice versa. Marrying a rich man/woman can be a shortcut for someone to escape poverty and attain the desired level of wealth and financial freedom. During my consultations, several people come up to me with these questions and through this article I want to guide you to find the best approach for your life based on your planetary placemen...
When a relationship is new, there is a spark and a lot of enthusiasm among the couple. Some couples are able to keep that spark alive even after several years of relationship or marriage, but some find it really hard to hold on.
In a relationship, people give up on each other and find someone new to love but when it comes to marriage most people are left with no other choice but to continue even if they are not happy in their marriage.
This article is not meant to hurt someone who feel stuck in this kind of marriage but instead help people choose a suitable partner with whom they can expect to live a happy life.
There is a quote which says, "People are never perfect, but relationships can be perfect".
With this thought I came up with the idea to write this article. During my consultations, I have seen several horoscopes where individually the horoscopes are not bad but the relationship problems are indicated when we match the two horoscopes.
If you regularly read my articles or watch videos, then you know I do not follow Gun Milan method of matching horoscopes and instead I focus on overall planetary placements in the 2 charts to accurately tell the fate of a marriage or relationship.
Planetary Combinations Affecting Your Nature
Planetary placements in your horoscope define the type of person you are and the requirements you have.
For a happy relationship or marriage, it is important that your partner is able to meet your emotional, financial and physical expectations.
A love affair can last from a few months to years but when it comes to marriage, marriage is meant to last for the entire lifetime.
It can be easy to ignore certain habits and overlook behaviors when two people are not living together but it would be difficult to do so when living together, and a number of times I have seen that couples who have been in a relationship for years starts to dislike each other after marriage.
Below I'm sharing the combinations which are linked to different types of behaviors and shapes the nature of a person.
Mars In The 7th House
Mars is a fiery planet and it is the significator of discipline, anger, fight and violence.
Mars sitting in the 1st, 3rd and 7th house makes a person aggressive in nature specially when the Mars is linked to 8th and 12th house.
3rd house represents hands and therefore connection with the 3rd house can also cause physical violence.
Such type of people are hot headed in nature and when they are annoyed they can become violent in nature.
Placement of a negative Mars in the 7th house can very negatively influence the married life, irrespective of whether this combination is present in the boy's or girl's horoscope.
When such people are not happy with their marriage and family, they can become violent and cause injury to the people around them.
Moon In The Ascendant
Moon is a watery planets and Moon represents your feelings and emotions.
When Moon is sitting in the Ascendant, it indicates that you are very much driven by your emotions and feelings. Such people are very sensitive in nature.
If the Moon sitting in the Ascendant turns out to be a negative planet in your chart, then your emotions are likely to go out of your control and your consciousness (Ascendant) will not be able to handle your emotions.
Such people will take wrong decisions when they are emotional which will affect their life and life of people around them negatively.
In terms of marriage, the partner of such people need to give them more time and emotional support.
Ketu In The Ascendant & Rahu In The Seventh House
Ketu is the planet for isolation, detachment and spirituality. Rahu is the planet for materialistic desires, pleasure and uncultured behavior.
In a given horoscope, depending on the houses connected with Ketu and Rahu, and the planets influencing Ketu and Rahu, it is possible that both Rahu and Ketu are positive, only one is positive or both of them are negative.
Therefore, there is no single answer whether having Ketu in the Ascendant and Rahu in the 7th house is negative or positive.
Normally I consider that it is better to not have these planets in your 1st and 7th house but depending upon your horoscope, the results can be positive as well.
If you have Ketu in the Ascendant and the Ketu is negatively placed in your horoscope, it makes you a person who is unable to understand the emotions and feelings of the other person.
Simultaneously, if there is a negative Rahu in the 7th house then the person will have sexual desires out of control.
Overall this will make you are person who does not care about the feelings of the other person but you will reach out to your partner for your physical needs.
On the contrary, if Ketu in the Ascendant and Rahu in the 7th house are positively placed in your horoscope then you will understand the expectations of your partner very well and will seek his/her consent.
Rahu In The Ascendant & Ketu In The Seventh House
Rahu in the Ascendant makes a person intelligent and goal oriented if the Rahu is positively placed in the horoscope.
With Rahu in the Ascendant, Ketu will be in the seventh house and such Ketu limits interactions and forming good relationship with other people.
Ketu in the 7th house is not considered favorable in terms of relationship and marriage.
If the Ketu turns out to be negative in the 7th house then there are troubles and lack of harmony in the marriage.
Venus In The Seventh House
Venus is the main significator of marriage, Venus represent luxury, sensuality and physical pleasures.
Seventh house represents your reproductive parts.
Venus sitting in your seventh house makes you very sexual in nature. Similarly, Venus sitting in the Ascendant aspects your 7th house and similar results are observed.
When Venus sitting in your seventh house or the Ascendant, also makes a connection with your 8th and 12th house, it makes you have sexual desires higher than usual.
Such people find it difficult to stay without having physical intimacy.
When such people are in a relationship with or marry a person who is not very inclined towards physical pleasures, then they become highly dissatisfied and can end up separating from their partners.
Mercury In The Seventh House
Mercury is considered a eunuch(infertile) planet, a negative Mercury in the horoscope can make a person infertile and lose his/her libido.
Mercury in the 7th house is not considered good and people with this placement can experience a low sex drive especially when Mercury in the 7th house is having lower degree than the Ascendant.
Multiple Planets Linked to Fifth & Ninth House
Fifth and ninth houses brings kindness, humility and intelligence to a person. Strong 5th and 9th house indicates that the person is high on empathy and wants to have harmonious relationship with others.
It is desirable to marry a person who is having a number of planets linked to 5th and 9th house because such people will always try to save the relationship and maintain harmony with others.
They will care for others more than themselves and will not bring their personal ego in the relationship.
Multiple Planets Linked to Fourth & Tenth House
Fourth house is 12th to the fifth house, which means it reduces the feeling of love and care within a person.
Similarly, tenth house is 12th to the eleventh house of gain.
Combination of fifth and eleventh house makes you gain love of the other person which fourth and tenth make you lose that love.
When a person has a number of planets in 4th and 10th house or forming a connection with these houses and the planets are not forming any connection with 2nd, 5th and 9th house then the person becomes cold by nature.
Such people are not much interested in spending time or giving attention to their partner. These people are not emotionally available but due to the involvement of 10th house, such people are responsible and fulfills all of their responsibilities.
Depending upon the overall planetary placements, we can judge the actual nature of a person and accordingly decide what kind of partner will be suitable for such person.
Finding Correct Partner Through Horoscope Matching
Based on on my observations and findings through the consultations, I am dividing people into various categories (some people can fall into multiple categories depending upon their planetary placements) and sharing my insights in below points:
- Harmonious People - People with a number of planets forming connection with 5th, 9th and 11th house are desirable in any situation. Such people think of their family and relationships first.
They are likely to keep the marriage and family together, and will put their efforts to maintain harmony in the relationship. Irrespective of whether their own personal requirements are met or not. - Aggressive People - People having negative placement of Mars in the 1st, 3rd and 7th house should avoid marrying someone with similar placement because then the aggression will only go up.
- Cold People - People with a number of planets forming connection with 1st, 4th and 10th house lack emotion and warmth, and based on other planetary influences they may be career oriented.
A negative Ketu sitting in the Ascendant can also give a similar nature.
Such people do not have much emotional needs and they are comfortable living with people having similar nature as well as people with harmonious nature. - Emotional People - People with Moon or watery signs in the Ascendant, such people are emotionally sensitive and require extra attention.
They will enjoy a happy marriage if they get associated with people harmonious in nature, as they will get the attention they want.
With an aggressive person, the relationship may or may not work. - Overcharged People - People with high libido, these people usually have Venus or a combination of Venus and Mars in their 1st and 7th house due to which they have a higher than usual sexual desire.
Such people can live comfortably with anyone but not with people having low libido. - Undercharged People - People with low libido, these people have influence of a negative Mercury on their 7th house, such people can have low sexual drive and can also lose their fertility with time.
Such people should avoid association with someone having high libido.
Depending upon the overall planetary placements, a single person can fall into multiple categories simultaneously and accordingly we should find a suitable partner.
I'm sharing the horoscope of a couple who had lost interest in one another following their love marriage.
The man spent considerable time and effort and did a number of promises in order to convince the family members for an early marriage.
But soon after marriage the man lost interest in the lady and none of the promises were fulfilled causing distress to the lady and her family.
This illustration is also a perfect example that a love marriage is not a guarantee for a happy and successful marriage.
The first horoscope(left) is of the husband and the second horoscope(right) is of the wife.
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The connection of the 5th and the 7th house indicates a love marriage. In the husband's horoscope, the 5th lord Mercury sits in the 7th house, and in the wife's horoscope, the 7th lord Sun sits in the 5th house.
As you can see, the husband has Mercury in the 7th house and Mercury is the Lord of 8th house.
The degree of Mercury (0 degree 50') is less than the degree of Ascendant (29 degree 52'), which means this Mercury has actually shifted in the 6th house in the Bhava Chalit chart.
The Mercury in the husband's horoscope is negative due to it's connection with the 6th and 8th house, and therefore it will negatively affect the husband's libido and fertility.
Mercury: 4, 6, 8
To judge the nature of the husband, we'll see the Ascendant and here the Ascendant Lord is Saturn.
As per the Rules of Bhrigu Nadi Astrology, a planet gives the result of its Nakshatra Lord's placement as well.
Here the Nakshatra Lord of Saturn is Jupiter and below are the house connections Saturn is forming.
Saturn: 1, 8, 10, 11, 12
In first glance, it appears that Saturn is occupying the 9th house but due to a lower degree of Saturn compared to the Ascendant, Saturn has actually shifted to the 8th house.
The connection with the 5th and 9th houses is missing but the connection with the 1st and 10th houses is there. 11th house in this case is beneficial for career/financial growth and not for relationships because the 5th and 9th house connection is missing.
Surprisingly, in this case, the couple has the same Ascendant and Moon sign.
The wife has Saturn sitting in the 11th house occupying the constellation of Venus, below are the house connections Saturn is forming in the wife's horoscope.
Saturn: 1, 4, 5, 9, 11, 12
In this case, the 10th house is missing but the complete combination of the 5th, 9th, and 11th house is there. Here 11th house will make the native more inclined towards family and relationships.
The wife has got a positive Rahu in the Ascendant giving a kind & harmonious nature but a negative Ketu in the 7th house causing dissatisfaction with marriage.
Since this was a love marriage, there was a lot of spark and positivity at the start of the marriage.
However, dissatisfaction started to show up due to the husband not fulfilling promises made before marriage.
There was difficulty in child conception and this further impacted their relationship negatively.
The wife started developing frustration and health issues but she still took care of in-laws.
After a few years of delay childbirth happened and the husband also did very well in his career.
Even though the differences are still there among the couple, they continue to live together because none of them have the combinations for divorce in their horoscope.
When I match two horoscopes, I see all these aspects of life and accordingly guide people if the match is suitable or not:
- Harmony in the relationship of the couple.
- Physical health and mental compatibility.
- Support for child birth.
- Affect on relationship with the family.
- Financial stability.
Everyone's life is different and based on your planetary placements you can find out the path you need to follow, if you are curious to know then do get a consultation.
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