In the age of social media and Instagram, people are becoming more and more influenced by the lifestyles they see on social media. This gives a rise to aspirations to attain wealth and live a very comfortable if not a luxurious life. Not everyone is blessed with a good amount of wealth, born in an affluent family or have a high income. It is good to work hard towards your goals and achieve success over time but even though most people want to become wealthy, they just don't get it. We all have seen a prince marrying an ordinary woman in fairy tales. In Korean drama, it is very common to see an extremely rich man marrying an ordinary woman or vice versa. Marrying a rich man/woman can be a shortcut for someone to escape poverty and attain the desired level of wealth and financial freedom. During my consultations, several people come up to me with these questions and through this article I want to guide you to find the best approach for your life based on your planetary placemen...
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Planets revolve around the Sun, which is source of all the life & power. In our system, we have 7 planets which actually exist (including Sun & Moon which are Star and Satellite actually) and 2 shadow planets which are into existence due to movement of the Sun and the Moon.
We have 12 zodiac signs which divide the skies into 12 equal parts due to the fact that Moon revolves 12 times when the Earth completes its one revolution around the Sun. 27 constellations because somebody observed different patters in the stars.
We have 12 zodiac signs which divide the skies into 12 equal parts due to the fact that Moon revolves 12 times when the Earth completes its one revolution around the Sun. 27 constellations because somebody observed different patters in the stars.
Now we need to understand from where the concept of Exaltation & Debilitation came and how we should see it. In real there is no reason or proof how this thing work and who gave the concept of Exaltation and Debilitation. But astrologers do follow it, give a lot of theories and say exalted planets are strong and give good results.
Sometimes, it gets quite confusing that an exalted planet is strong or good. If an exalted planet is in a bad house, will it give more bad results or it will give good results. If you are also confused with house debilitated, exalted, combust and retrograde planets works read my article “Confusion of Exalted Debilitated Retrograde and Combust Planets”.
Sometimes, it gets quite confusing that an exalted planet is strong or good. If an exalted planet is in a bad house, will it give more bad results or it will give good results. If you are also confused with house debilitated, exalted, combust and retrograde planets works read my article “Confusion of Exalted Debilitated Retrograde and Combust Planets”.
Also, followers of Vedic Astrology say that a planet if exalted gives good results. If it still gives bad results then they go into divisional charts. If a debilitated planet gives good result they again go into a divisional chart, if a debilitated planet gives bad results then no further investigation is required.
I have cleared all the doubts about divisional charts in my article “Truth about Divisional Charts and Vedic Astrology”. Kindly read that and you will understand how it should be used and seen.
I have cleared all the doubts about divisional charts in my article “Truth about Divisional Charts and Vedic Astrology”. Kindly read that and you will understand how it should be used and seen.
Reason Behind Why a Planet is Exalted in a Specific Zodiac Sign
The reasons I am giving are purely based upon what I feel and what Sages would have thought while assigning the exaltation and debilitation to the planets. Kindly, read them to deepen your understanding for the planets and signs and not to apply to them in astrological practices.
Sun: Sun exalts in the first zodiac sign which is Aries. Aries is energy to initiate; it is means singularity, one without a second, individuality, identity. If you look at the zodiac sign, its shape is like two horns coming from a point. That point is singularity and from the duality took birth which is male & female. Sun should exalt in Aries only because life starts when Sun rises, Sun gives energy to this earth due to which water can flow in fluid form, chemical reactions took place & microorganisms were born when the atmospheric pressure and heat were in balance in order to support life. With thousands of years of evolution life developed from self reproducing microorganisms to the humans and animals which exist in male & female parts. Planets took their form because Sun was there around which all the dust accumulated and planets formed and took birth. Aries sign represents the east direction from where the Sun rises.
Moon: Moon exalted in the second zodiac sign which is Taurus. Sun is the king and therefore Moon is the queen and hence represents the female energy. Moon is always changing its phases and hence has a wavering mind. To stabilize the wavering mind it requires something which could stabilize it and give security. Taurus is the most stable sign in the zodiac due to Earthy and fixed nature. It also represents beauty and financial security because it represents natural second house and is lorded by Venus.
Mars: Mars exalts in the tenth zodiac sign which is Capricorn. Mars is a soldier and protector who is meant to fight the enemies in the battlefield and maintain discipline. Mars is always exposed to all kinds of threat and therefore is natural significator of cuts and wounds. Sign of Capricorn falls in the 10th house which means above the surface and what is visible. This sign means continuous hard work and holding your ground which is what soldiers do. Mars represents fiercest warriors, who continuously work hard upon themselves and never back off from the fight. Therefore, Mars exalts in the sign of Capricorn.
Mercury: Mercury exalts in the sixth zodiac sign which is Virgo. Virgo has a dual nature and it is of earthy nature. It falls in the 6th house which means problems, conflicts, mathematics & accounting. Mercury with his logical and analytical mind is able to solve all the problems. Mercury can solve conflicts through his talents of communication and ability to convince other people through his words and intellect. Sixth house makes a person skilful and gives a tricky nature through which a person could handle other people and is skilled in his work. Mercury is also known as Jack of all trades.
Venus: Venus exalts in the twelfth zodiac sign which is Pisces. Pisces falls in the 12th which falls just above the horizon. Venus is the morning star and appears to be shining brightest just before the Sun rise. Venus is a teacher and in mythology it is said that Venus has power to resurrect through his knowledge. Twelfth house means death, liberation, forest and sea. Venus is unbiased, fair, just and beautiful which means free from all the worldly attachments and the one who is very spiritual. The one who is selfless and detached can love others unconditionally. Pisces sign has two fishes chasing each other which are like two sides of a coin that exist simultaneously but never meet. You can enjoy the beauty of this world but as soon as you try to get attached with it, it will slip from your hand like a fish. A balance is required between both the spiritual and the materialistic side of a person in order to live a happy life in this world. Therefore the significator of love, Venus exalts in this spiritual sign.
Jupiter: Jupiter exalts in the fourth sign of Cancer. Cancer sign means security and it falls in the fourth house which means homeland. Jupiter is a Minister and advisor to the King. A Minister has to be present in the home land in order to manage the kingdom so that people could live a comfortable life and the kingdom could prosper. Cancer sign means security, a Minister never goes to fight; only the King and soldier goes to fight and protect the kingdom while Minister only give guidance, plan about the various policies, manage resources and advice about maintaining good relationship with the Kings of other kingdom. Jupiter represents top level management due to his knowledge and high level of intellect.
Saturn: Saturn exalts in the seventh sign of Libra. Libra sign is of airy nature and represents a balance. Due to airy and movable nature Libra is never actually a balanced sign rather it requires someone who could work continuously in order to achieve that balance. Libra is the sign of other people. Saturn is the lord of justice and the one who set boundaries; represents hard work, equality and unity. Fiery sign represents the government, earthy sign represents rich people, watery sign represents the respectable cast & airy sign represents common, poor or underprivileged people. These are the people who actually require justice, whose power is their unity and who should not be suppressed. Therefore, role of Saturn becomes most important in this sign and Saturn exalts here.
Planets are heavenly bodies, they affect us from their movement in skies and mythology is filled with stories of their greatness. They are strong, powerful and their gravitational pull keeps earth in its orbit and sustains life on earth. Getting placed into their exaltation sign or debilitation sign won’t affect them and their greatness is not going to have any affect in our lives. We just need to assess what results these great planets will give us and how our life will go.
I will give examples of only debilitated & exalted planets and I will tell you what results they gave to the native and through Predictive Hindu Astrology / Nadi Astrology & then we will assess why such results were experienced.
These examples are not taken from anywhere, this is what I actually observed while doing consultation with my clients.
These examples are not taken from anywhere, this is what I actually observed while doing consultation with my clients.
Detailed Analysis of Exalted and Debilitated Planets
Example 1: Scorpio Ascendant, Saturn Debilitated in 6th house in sign of Aries at 16 degrees
Astrologers would say this is the worst possible case of debilitation. Saturn is already an enemy to Mars, debilitated in the sign of Aries and that too in sixth house. Possible results could be weak communication skills and bad home environment because Saturn owns third and fourth house.
This person might be having a bad handwriting and won’t get any comfort of luxuries of vehicles. Saturn is situated in sixth house due to which Saturn may give illness and bad health to the native.
Well nothing like that happened when the person went through Saturn time Period. This person was having 10th board exams during that time in which she scored around 85%. There were no health issues nor her communication skills are weak.
This person has a good home and a luxurious car to travel. This is because the home environment and luxuries of the vehicle depends upon the parents when the child is young.
Now let’s understand through Nadi Astrology why this person was able to get such good marks and why there were no health issues.
Saturn: 3, 5
1, 6, 7, 11
If you have read my article “Confusion of Exalted Debilitated Retrograde and Combust Planets Cleared” I have mentioned the conditions when a person is able to get good marks, become a topper or win the competitive examinations.
This person has combinations which supports education (4, 5 and 11) and also to win over others (6 and 11) due to which a person is not only able to study hard but also able to score good marks. The debilitation of malefic Saturn in 6th house did not give any bad results to the native.
Example 2: Aries Ascendant, Mars Debilitated in 4th house in sign of Cancer at 17 degrees
Mars in present in an Angular house (Kendra Houses – 1, 4, 7 and 10) and Astrologers says, “If a planet that exalts in the sign where a planet is debilitated is placed in Kendra then the debilitation is cancelled.” Guess what Jupiter is placed in the seventh house, now Mars has to give positive results like an exalted planet. So, what do you think now? Any guesses or if you have any more concepts to add?
When we assess health of a person through Medical Astrology we check the lord of the house in order to assess which part of the body is damaged. First house represents the head and also the overall health of the person.
This person had some problem in the head (brain) due to which this person could not memorize events happened a few days or minutes ago; this person says anything (like asking same questions again and again, creating imaginary stories and self talk) to a person and later could not recall that.
Let’s understand through Nadi Astrology what’s wrong with this person’s head by assessing the Mars.
Mars: 1, 4, 8
3, 6
3, 6
Sixth, eighth and twelfth house are the only houses which gives trouble to a native. When they form combinations with other houses or when lord of different houses signify them, problem is faced at those aspects of life.
For this person, Mars is lord of first house and signifying 6th and 8th house which are capable of giving any major health problem. Also, there is no support from fifth, ninth and eleventh house which signifies good health and recovery.
Therefore, the brain could not protect itself and the body through the health problems. When this person will go through bad time periods problem will occur. Now the question is, Can it be cured?
Therefore, the brain could not protect itself and the body through the health problems. When this person will go through bad time periods problem will occur. Now the question is, Can it be cured?
Yes, it is curable because there are different combinations for the health issues which are not curable and I will discuss them in later articles.
Example 3: Taurus Ascendant, Venus Exalted in 11th house in sign of Pisces at 23 degrees
Lord of Ascendant Venus is Exalted and that too in 11th house of gains and fulfilment of desires. This person might be a great personality or some IAS officer. I am sure now you won’t be having any doubt that this person.
Well actually this person is going through a lot of depression, tensions, health issues and also mental problems. Mental problems and health issues which is a first house matter I already told you. How can an exalted Venus give such thing?
Let’s understand through Nadi Astrology what Venus is doing actually.
Venus: 1, 6, 11
2, 5, 10
1, 7, 12
Venus is giving results of both houses which improves health and also which spoils health. But the houses which improve health are connected with each other (fifth and eleventh) while health harming houses are disconnected (sixth house and twelfth house) due to which exalted Venus is actually giving good results regarding health.
Also, Venus is signifying all the wealth giving houses which are second, sixth, tenth and eleventh houses (Read in Career Astrology) due to which this Venus is good in every aspect. I am sure you might be feeling relaxed now that exaltation does give good results.
Also, Venus is signifying all the wealth giving houses which are second, sixth, tenth and eleventh houses (Read in Career Astrology) due to which this Venus is good in every aspect. I am sure you might be feeling relaxed now that exaltation does give good results.
But I just said this person is suffering through problems. Ketu is placed in the first house and see what it signifies.
Ketu : 1, 5, 6, 8, 11, 12
3, 10
1, 6, 11
In Medical Astrology, we not only see the lord of the houses but also planets placed in those houses. This is the similarity between Vedic Astrology and Nadi Astrology.
Therefore, in order to achieve mastery in astrology, one should first start through Vedic Astrology to go through all the details and basic concepts and then learn doing predictions from Nadi Astrology. But some Astrologers try to predict from Vedic Astrology, all the best to them.
Ketu is signifying all the houses which are bad for health and therefore it is difficult for fifth and eleventh house to compete with them and hence bad health is experienced.
Ketu is signifying all the houses which are bad for health and therefore it is difficult for fifth and eleventh house to compete with them and hence bad health is experienced.
Now the question is, does Venus will help this person or Ketu has won due to its placement? Yes Venus will help; one planet cannot nullify effects of other planet. When this person goes through a bad time period the health goes down but he recovers from that very soon.
This person is very careless regarding his health and body still he hardly falls ill and after medical diagnosis it was found that his body organs are working better than an average person.
Example 4: Sagittarius Ascendant, Venus Exalted in 4th house in sign of Pisces at 14 degrees
Venus is Exalted in an Angular house (Kendra) giving rise to Pancha Mahapurusha Yoga (One of the Five Greatest Men).
In Indian astrology, there is a concept which says if any of the five planets Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, Venus or Saturn exalts in an Angular house then this Pancha Mahapurusha Yoga is formed. This is capable of making a person very noble & rich and the person having this combination will attain heights in life and will rise above all.
The person having this combination came to me when his Venus Main Time Period was in operation & he was suffering from major losses in his business. Now, no astrologer can say that Venus forming such great yoga can give such results. But let’s assess what Nadi Astrology / Predictive Astrology says.
Venus: 3, 5, 6, 10
2, 12
2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12
You can see houses sixth, eighth and twelfth are very strong in this person’s chart due to which this person suffered losses in the business while there is hardly any support from second and tenth house. Eleventh house is absent and sixth house if present with eighth or twelfth house will give bad results regarding income and health.
In this article I have covered
- Debilitated Planet giving Great Results
- Debilitated Planet giving Bad Results
- Good Results from an Exalted Planet
- Bad Results from an Exalted Planet.
There is 50% of chance of correctness when an Astrologer will do any prediction through an exalted or debilitated planet. If the prediction will go right you will trust the astrologer if it won’t the astrologer will tell you another rule to justify his statement. But I am sure now you know what the correct way of assessing all the planets is.
Suggested articles:
- How Planets Indicate Depression and Suicide In A Horoscope? Solution To Depression and Dealing With Difficult Times.
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- Combinations For Massive Fame And Popularity In Horoscope
- Importance Of Nirayana Bhava Chalit Chart In Prediction Making
- Career Astrology: Name, Fame, Status & Place of Work
- Marriage and Love Compatibility in Detail.